Monday, April 18, 2011

April 18, 2011 Letter

Dear Family,

One thing that i forgot to write last week was about the movie Rio. I bet you´ve probably seen it already, but the director is Brazilian. I dont know if you could tell or not, but he was the director for the Ice Ages, and Robots, and others. But ya, he´s Brazilian, from Rio. He took his whole crew down to Rio to get the experience of a new culture, kinda like the bird. It made me think of me. Ya know? I´ve kinda been thrown into a new culture, new language, and new life. Everything is different, and it´s hard sometimes. I dont know how the movie goes, but i bet its close to how mine will go. I know that I can get through this because I have the help of the Lord. I know that with his help I can do everything. I´m grateful for that.

Ok, now on to my last week. It´s been about the same. Still struggling with the language, learn more everyday. Still not comfortable or fluent. It´s kinda frustrating sometimes, but it´s ok. I´ll get it eventually. Hopefully sooner than later.

We had a pretty cool experience. Well, at the time I didnt know it was that cool, but now i do. Anyways, last sunday Elder Paiva and I were standing in front of the chapel. Not with any purpose other than to invite people in. We saw a man walking towards us. His name was David. He´s from Virgina learning portuguese for 3 weeks. He asked what ward he should go to, and obviously we told him, Setubal II, because it was our ward. So we went, and that was the end we thought. But, yesterday we ate lunch with him and a family. I guess earlier that morning he was praying for a friend that he could have to feel more comfortable, and someone that could help him with the language. While he was at church he met this man, Marcos and his wife. Marcos saw that he was a foriegner and could use some help. So he went and talked to him. I know this was an answer to his prayer. First through us, we invited him to our ward. If we wernt there, he probably would´ve just gone in to the chapel and sat for the sacrament. But, because we told him to go upstairs, (because we have classes first then sacrament last) he got to meet Marcos. And then through Marcos, being able to feel he needed help. I just know this is a miracle. It´s so amazing. The Lord has a hand in everything. We might not always recognize it right away, or even that the Lord is working through us. But He is. It´s so amazing. It really made me think that we need to always be where we should be, and do what we should be doing, so the Lord can work through us. It was really cool.

On Saturday we went to a wedding/baptism. It was this couple in the late 50´s. They were taught by an old companion of E Paiva. E Paiva got to baptize them. It was really cool. But, the wedding started 2 hours late, because the bride needs to show up late.... (annoying), so we got home pretty late. And the cake was kinda gross. I dont understand why you would make a cake that looks so pretty on the outside, but tastes awfull on the inside. I decided that my wedding cake will taste good. No matter what.

But mission life is good. I´m loving it. There are those days when I´m super sweaty, tired, feet hurt, it´s raining, or all of it. But, I know I just have to do my best and keep doing the work of the Lord and He´ll help me. I´m grateful for that knowledge. I love this church. I really do. I know that our Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered for our sins so we can return to our Heavenly Father. I know that we can become like our Heavenly Father by following the example of Jesus Christ, and following the words of the scriptures and the prophets. I´m so grateful for this church. I know that it is the true church of our Heavenly Father.

I miss you guts. Love you all. Till next week.

Elder Tracy

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